Christmas Pudding Macarons

Everything is always done in a rush in a start-up business and it sometimes feels you never have time to think before the moment is upon you.

Take, for example, our latest flavour: Christmas pudding macarons. I had the idea for these months ago but somehow it never got done, but no longer  – Christmas pudding is now developed and ready to be sprung on an unsuspecting world at the Bury St. Edmunds Christmas Fair.

It turns out that the easiest way to make a Christmas pudding flavoured macaron filling is to use an actual Christmas pudding! Since we are very much a gluten free company we cannot use just any old pudding because pretty much all commercial varieties have gluten in them.

Step forward Alison Lilly and Lillypuds  - makers of award winning Christmas puddings including a wonderful gluten free variety. It’s the easiest filling ever; put a whole pudding into a processor with some unsalted butter, whizz and then pipe! Tada! And it tastes Fantastic!